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Chinese language translations and localization

Chinese language translations and localization Many companies did not enter in Chinese market due to the diversified languages in all region of China .In other words, we can say that it was just because they did not have an effective localization plan. As we know Chinese is the world’s most difficult language with having a …

Technical Document Translation Services

Technical Document Translation Services: Engineering and Technical translation services: Manufacturing Industry Technical translation is a type of specialized translation involving the translation of documents produced by technical writers (owner’s manuals, user guides, etc.), or more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject areas or texts which deal with the practical application of scientific and technological information. While the presence of specialized terminology is a feature …

Business License Translation and Certification Services India

Business License Translation and Certification Services India Can we read Chinese and translate self the business licenses or registration of incorporation from Chinese language to English? Answer is No!  We may require a help of Professional Translation Services You may have to submit business license for the official purposes in foreign countries. Just think about …

What is a foreign language worth?

What is a foreign language worth? Johnson: JOHNSON is a fan of the Freakonomics books and columns. But this week’s podcast makes me wonder if the team of Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt aren’t overstretching themselves a bit. “Is learning a foreign language really worth it?”, asks the headline. A reader writes: My oldest daughter is …

Chinese Translation Apps for Chinese Learners

Chinese Translation Apps for Chinese Learners Chinese is the hardest language to read in the world. Chinese may be a challenge, but it’s not one that modern day learners of Chinese can’t handle. An outstanding Chinese translation app can serve as a much-needed lifesaver. Best Chinese Translation Apps In the past, translating unknown Chinese words …

Call now at 91-9599356948 Available: 24X7 Onsite Chinese Translators